Temporarily Closed due to COVID-19 Restrictions

25th March, 2020

Yesterday afternoon saw the Irish government announce tighter restrictions to try slow the spread of COVID-19. Part of those restrictions involve the closing on non-essential businesses.

As Haze Guitars certainly falls into the ‘non-essential’ category, I’ll be closing until, at least, April 19th. During this time, I won’t be able to take appointments or accept instruments for repair.

I’m sorry.

The near-future is so uncertain that we can’t be sure everything will be fine after the planned date for lifting restrictions. The current limitations may be extended or even tightened.

For this reason, I’ve closed my schedule to all new appointments.

When things have moved some way towards a state where we can all pick up our lives and business again, I will re-open and accept new appointments.

Regarding my customers, I’ve already contacted everyone that was due to call during the initial restricted period. As things progress, I may have to extend things and discuss postponing those outside this (current) period. I just don’t know for sure right now.

I have to give my deepest appreciation to those of you affected who have replied with positive and patient thoughts. Thank you so much. You guys rock and I’ll be in touch as soon as possible to kick things off again.

I’m really sorry that things have come to this. I know it’s very far from ideal. These are strange times.

I hope that you and your loved ones are well and remain so.

Thank you and take care.
