
The Incomparable Benzini Brothers at A Night For Pieta House

The Incomparable Benzini Brothers at A Night For Pieta House

Last Sunday (yes, I'm up to the minute, as usual), I had the chance to see a crap-ton of Irish bands from (or on the go since) Back In The Day™. There was a great gig at the Olympia called A Night For Pieta House and it featured a bundle of bands from the '80s, '90s, '00s and so on. And what a line-up: 

Picture House, Blink, The Pale, The incomparable Benzini Brothers (coughothouseflowers chough), Friends Of Emmet and In Tua Nua.

There were also performances from members of The Fat Lady Sings, Cactus World News, The FountainHead, Cry Before Dawn, and Those Nervous Animals. 

In the photo above, you can see Liam Ó Maonlaí and The Incomparable Benzini Brothers who really lifted the roof on the place.

A great evening's music for a really great cause. Pieta House provides free therapeutic help for people at risk of suicide or self-harm. They do some very difficult and—unfortunately—very necessary work.