Fabulous Haze Mugs Won!
DUBLIN, October 10 — Hoards of disappointed musicians today descended on the international headquarters of Haze Guitars. In what has become known as 'The Great Mug Discontent', the angry mob of guitarists and bassists dragged proprietor, Gerry Hayes, from the building before carrying him off to attend a special 'punishment screening' of X-Factor. Above the din of the crowd, Hayes could be heard shouting, "It's only a bloody mug!"
— o —
So, then… At the risk of inciting the scene above, I'm delighted (and slightly scared) to announce the winners of the mugs.
The comment that amused me most was:
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
How much again for a refret?”
And the comment picked by the online random number generator (and you should send your angry emails to them, not me) was from Ciarán Nestor.
An exclusive Haze mug will be winging its way to Joe and Ciarán soon. Quite soon, anyway.
Congratulations to you both. You are now the envy of your friends and of musicians everywhere.