'Tis The Season

Around this time of year feels like a good time to say thank you and wish you well.

Thank you. Thanks for hanging out with me on email and online. Thank you for reading my books and for the kind things you’ve said to me. Thank you to those who’ve trusted me with their instruments for repair (especially to those who were patient enough to endure the long wait while I wasn’t taking in repairs). This really, really, means a lot. I appreciate it.

I’m looking forward to spending Christmas with my family again. I really can’t wait. If you’re celebrating something this time of year, I hope you and yours are happy and safe. And, if you’re not celebrating anything around now, I hope you and yours are happy and safe too. This has been another trying year for all of us and who knows what next year’s got in store. Take care of yourself and take care of each other.

Thank you.


A slightly worried looking Nutcracker soldier seemed appropriate this year.