Wishlist Books

I recently found out about these two books. Guitar geeks, take note. Friends and partners of guitar geeks, you might still make it in time for Christmas.

Amazon links included down the bottom if you're interested. Or, just search for them on Amazon or the book seller of your choice (like there's one that Amazon hasn't kicked to  death). 

I've ordered one and wish-listed the other for after the crazy season. 


The Fender Archives

Listed as a 'scrapbook' of Fender history. It's crammed full of stuff like handwritten letters, production totals, personal logbooks, in-house memos, Leo Fender's drawing-board sketches and lots more. It sounds pretty interesting and mine is already on its way to me. Hopefully it'll arrive around the same time as Santa. 


Brian May's Red Special

Many of you will probably know that the young Brian May built his iconic guitar with his dad. This book looks at that process as well as the guitar's history and life. Even better, though, is that it's accompanied by original diagrams, sketches and notes dating from the building of the guitar, as well as close-ups and (get this) x-rays. Seriously, x-rays! Why wouldn't you buy this?

Amazon links for products mentioned:

  • The Fender Archives: US | UK
  • Brian May’s Red Special: US | UK

These Amazon links have my affiliate code attached. If you click them and buy stuff, Amazon give me a few cents. It doesn’t cost you any more and it means that, every now and then, I get to buy some tea or something. If this bothers you, feel free to just open Amazon and search for the stuff yourself.