Haze Guitars open again

Way back when COVID restrictions were first introduced, I closed Haze Guitars for lockdown and for a whole heap of reasons, I chose to remain closed longer than lockdown restrictions necessitated. I’m sorry about that.

I’m trying to get things back towards normal again and to reopen Haze Guitars. You can make an appointment right now if you still need to. Just click the button below.

There’s a couple of things to mention on this:

  1. I’ve got to operate on a slightly reduced schedule for a while so appointment availability will be a little reduced. Turnaround times should be mostly unaffected.
  2. Family reasons mean I’m going to keep some COVID precautions in place for a while longer. I’ll wear a mask and I ask that do the same. I’ll use hand-sanitiser and will ask you to do the same.

Thank you very much to those of you who have checked in with me over this strange old time. Your kindness and patience means a lot.

Hope I can see you soon.