Pie Charts and Premier Guitar
Remember that time Premier Guitar used my pie charts in their magazine and website?
A couple of people (observant nerds😉) have asked about this so here’s the skinny.
Regular readers will remember the article I wrote, back in February, summarising the Leonardo Guitar Research Project’s tone wood experiments.
It’s really, really worth a read so do check it out if you haven’t already. The LGRP did some fantastic work on this.
Premier Guitar thinks so too. I got an email a while back from Heiko, one of their regular columnists. He was writing a Leonardo Project article for PG and he asked if they could reuse the graphics from my article.
So, that’s why my pie charts are on Premier Guitar’s site.
Cheers to the eagle-eyed nerds that spotted the ‘courtesy of Haze Guitars’ attribution on the PG article. I find the whole thing kind of amusing — I’ve never pitched anything to PG but if I had, it’d be weird that some pie charts were what made it to publication.
As it happens, it’s all quite timely. I’m pulling together some thoughts on tone-woods at the moment anyway.
More soon…
This article written by Gerry Hayes and first published at hazeguitars.com