Teasing: It's Gonna Be Big, Guitar Geeks
Snazzy Guitar To Be
Reinforcing A Broken Headstock
Refinishing Gibson Les Paul Custom
Broken Necked SG Gets Strapped
Loose Strap Button
Guitar Repair: Acoustic Neck Break (Reassembly)
Wood-Bending for Fun and Guitar Repair
Guitar RepairGerry Hayesacoustic, electronics, guitar, instrument repair, luthier, mahogany, pickup, preamp, repair, troubleshooting, wood-bending
Guitar Repair: Acoustic Neck Break (Neck Removal)
Guitar RepairGerry Hayesacoustic, broken neck, fingerboard, fix, guitar, heel, neck, neck removal, neck reset, neck set, repair
Mass Manufacture Acoustic Neck Joints
Guitar RepairGerry Hayesacoustic, bolt-in, bolt-on, dovetail, guitar, neck, neck joint, neck reset, neck set, opinion, repair
Shiny New Look at Haze Guitars
Heel Repairs